Give me Control: PanooRemote is Software,
not Infrared

The Software Remote that puts Your Users in Control

PanooRemote allows users to control all aspects of their PanooBox: Select their preferred multi-window grid layout, have their personal favourites, choose channels to be displayed, and easily control audio source and volume or switch to fullscreen.


Real-time control of your PanooBox right on your desktop

Moves with you

Control your PanooBox from different workstations, or use your favorites on different PanooBoxes.

Desktop Software

Mac & Windows applications.
User interface in German or English.


One-click operation for programme selection, change of audio source, full screen selection.
Create your favorite lists, grids and much more.


Password-free authorization via PIN


Certified accessibility (BITV/WCAG)

Overview of the PanooRemote features

(a) Box name and hamburger menu with links to the channel editor, settings and box commands.

(b) The layout selector can be used to switch between the layouts provided by PanooBox.

(c) The channel list contains all programs available in the system. The list can be filtered using the search field. The user may select a program for the active tile with a click or drag-n-drop programs onto the grid or to the favorites list.

(d) PanooRemote shows the tile layout of the connected box. Icons of the selected programs are displayed on the tiles. With one click a tile can be selected. The PanooBox plays the sound of the selected (“active”) tile. All other control functions (program, fullscreen) also refer to the selected tile.

(e) In the favorites list, the user can compile his personal Panoo program selection and store it.

The nucleus of innovation